11 November 2010

You may tell yourself, this not my beautiful house....Spoilt...for choice.

Is it that we just have too much choice?

We really are so lucky.....we forget this too often, myself included.

We, us, in Western society.  We moan and complain about how shit things are, how annoying work is, how tired we are, focusing on drama and pettiness.  Most of us rarely effect change in our lives or the lives of others, we are apathetic.  Working, earning, living, existing.  Buying, consuming, devouring. Our emotional dissatisfaction and restlessness driving us to purchase and be good little capitalists.  Do we really need that house, car, extra pair of shoes?  

If we had less choice would our general restlessness be reduced?

Would there be the large amount of what I call 'Western ailments' (general eating disorders,panic attacks and insomnia)that exist today if we simplified our lives?  Most of us have forgotten that we already have at our fingertips the things that are essential for our survival. I know I am sounding sanctimonious and I apologise for this as I am abundantly aware that I am guilty of this overt consumerism. 

I always used to joke that I buy stuff to fill a dark empty hole of dissatisfaction, some people eat I purchase :)

I guess when I rant like this it's because I'm not just angry at society in general but at myself additionally.  The disappointment at myself for forgetting so quickly what I learnt whilst I was travelling. 

  1. This world is an incredible, diverse and amazing place
  2. I am very, very lucky to be a Western woman in the country I live in, who has had opportunity and access to education on any level
  3. I am privileged to be working and earning money (even if it's still not equal to a mans' ;))
  4. I have a voice and the freedom to use it
  5. There are endless opportunities available to me
  6. I can effect change
  7. There is beauty around us constantly, in scenery, in people, in life
  8. It is never really that bad
  9. I have free will 
  10. I have choice, I'm spoilt for it

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