I've realised that I'm mostly blogging about things that annoy me of late, character traits, personality flaws in people. Of course I have an endless supply of ammunition as the relationship I have with the human race runs hot and cold and this blog will be no different.
I don't know if it's my background or if it's about who my friends are that I don't have this sense that I am owed anything by anyone that a lot of folk seem to have.
Why do most people feel that they are 'owed' something? When did we lose our work ethic?
At what point did we learn as a society that it was OK to take and take and take?
When did we stop looking at other countries who have minimal resources and not consider how lucky we are?
When did we become so soft?
This sense of entitlement ties into this nanny state that exists in the West that drives me nuts. Where we as a society seem to spoon feed everybody and make sure everyone is happy all the time which is kind of ironic cause in our society we generally only care about ourselves. (This is what makes capitalism so successful - another blog) This is probably what it is more about, if we are seen to be 'taking care of others' we look sensitive and selfless.
I was brought up believing that if I wanted something I had to work for it, fight for it, be ambitious, driven and proactive. I never believed that if I sat on my ass that things would just be dropped in my lap or handed to me on a silver platter. My parents were working class people who have worked hard all their lives and I feel lucky that I was instilled with a positive work ethic.
I just can't tolerate lazy, ineffective folk. These people are generally the ones moaning about how hard they've got it. Blaming everything and everybody else for the wrongs in their life, really truly believing that if they moan loud enough often enough they'll get what they want. The sad thing about this is, in our world, in the decadence of the West it'll probably work and they've learnt it works and abuse the system. Effectively being rewarded for fuck all. Putting nothing in but consistently taking out of the magical never ending community pot.
We are very lucky....that we can get not only the most basic resources like clean running water, electricity and shelter but all the luxuries as well, that we have free health care, that the government gives us money when we can't find work. The disparity is terrifying. As we munch down on our fast food moaning about the 'immigration problem', wake the fuck up.
Not only does this anger me it worries me a lot that our society has lost it's backbone and it's moral fibre. I believe the strength and longevity of us as a human race greatly depends on our ability to be a cohesive, homogeneous community.
So if there was an alien invasion, a meteor that causes the magnetic pull of the planet to change poles, a massive and sudden rapid climate change resulting in a large proportion of land mass disappearing under water or a prolifically violent strain of virus that instigated a rapid change of most of the population turning into zombies.....well frankly we'd all be fucked.
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