We are all guilty of it, pointed that figure, raised that eyebrow....
Why is it so easy for us to judge others their actions, behaviour, appearance?
Two points.
How do we seem to magically forget our histories, our past actions, behaviours in our rapid, guillotine judgement of others?
(when your pointing your finger at someone, three are pointing back at you)
When did we cease to be compassionate, consider that we don't really know enough about this person's life to put them into that box of 'not good enough', 'too brash', 'common', 'boring', 'stupid'?
It's a very dangerous game to play indeed.
We've all (without exception) done things that are morally inappropriate. There is not one person I know who is purer than the driven snow. Ok sure, there is varying degrees of 'innapropriateness' but the bottom line is that no one is innocent. It enrages me, and I have actually had conversations with people who have said...."she/he did this while she was engaged/married....etc", and I'm standing there thinking but weren't you the one who (insert morally bankrupt action here). Ahhh yes the selective memory, it's quite a magical thing to have.
But if I know you well and you do this around me, I will open up this selective memory box that contains 'said past indiscretion', pull it out with both hands and hold it in front of you and shout 'well looky here, what have I found'....This is yours isn't it?...Gosh do you remember this? Wooo baby....this was a good one, wasn't it...?? As all good friends damn well should.
You can potentially miss out on getting to know that person who may educate you or bring something valuable into your life that you couldn't find elsewhere. Dismissing someone out of hand because they don't conform to what you personally think is right, clever or your type of person is uneducated, naive and lacks human sensitivity. This is where listening comes in, really hearing, not only what people have got to say (even if it varies from your beliefs) but also considering their intentions, passions and beliefs behind it. Some of us are not so great at using words or expressing what we really believe, feel and want. Give them a chance.
We are all guilty of it, pointed that figure, raised that eyebrow....
Shucks I have the original 'judgemental eyebrow', but I like to think that even though I judge people...(yeah I'm not innocent)that I still give folk a fair whack of the stick and if I can listen, give people a chance and believe in those that others haven't... as cynical and disliking of the majority of the human race as I am....for you lot it should be a walk in the park.
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