19 October 2010

Tips and advice for men on the pull....

In a quick and easy numbered list, things you shouldn't say or do.

Things you shouldn't say....in no particular order.

  1. Smile it may never happen (or anything to do with smiling....for me, if I'm smiling walk away very fast...especially if you've just said this line, chances are I'm considering all the multitude of ways to torture you with my bare hands and whatever glassware/cutlery is in my reach)This line I hate more than any line in the world, it's boring and lacks imagination.
  2. You're such a pretty girl why are you sitting here alone/with no men.
  3. Any corny lines i.e. 'you must be exhausted, because you've been running around my mind all night', 'did it hurt? When you fell from the heavens', 'I see your label is sticking out, made in heaven'....a proviso to this is that some of these lines said sarcastically/ironically are quite funny.  Like the guy who told me he'd drink my bath water or another one who simply just said 'tell yo momma I said thanks'...priceless.
  4. You look lonely
  5. Please don't say anything remotely perverse i.e. "you know what would look good on you?  Me"
Things you shouldn't do.....in no particular order.

  1.  Make a girl feel grateful that you're hitting on to her. (remember it will always be easier for a woman to get laid than a man (yes even the uggers) so technically you're the one who should be grateful if she decides to let you hit on to her)
  2. Assume you hold any power, you don't.  I'm sorry that's just the way it is....so be humble.
  3. Be very careful with any comments about her friends.
  4. Be very careful with any comments about her body, looks, age, yadda yadda.
  5. Use your common sense, seriously operate that switch between your brain and your mouth.
This is a very old and boring statement but it rings so true.....just be yourself, walk up, say hi, offer to buy a drink, pay a compliment. Yes it is that easy. It really isn't that difficult.

Even if a woman isn't single she'll appreciate the compliment and if you are polite and respectful....well slap me with a big wet fish and call me Betty you know what you'll get back.....courtesy....that's right and maybe never again will you hear 'fuck off loser'.

Simply put out what you'd want to get back.

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