27 December 2010

Lies, words,actions, conscience and instinct.

To what extent are we lying to ourselves when we lie to others?

Coming from mostly a place of honesty the level of duplicity of others does stump me.

I have assumed at times it was a cultural thing, that we Aussies simply lack tact and diplomacy as we are known to be brash and offensive (or maybe that's just me :)).  

The irony of it is that now honesty is considered to be offensive.  

I respect tact (although sometimes don't employ it) and appreciate the idea of softening the blow of direct words with a little cotton padding of nicety.  I have said before that I am an appalling liar and maybe that's why I don't do it often but it's not just that. I just could never see the point, it just take so much more effort to lie and fabricate. Also I'm essentially betraying myself by not being honest with how I really feel or what I think.  I naively have assumed on occasion that this is how most of the population operate.  I am of course wrong.  Most people are full of shit.

See I worry about karma and the guilt of my lies  bubbling to the surface occurring in sleepless nights and loss of appetite.  Compartmentalisation skills = nil.

Why lie?  When did telling the truth become such a hard thing to do?  We lie to others because we believe the lie, correction we want to believe the lie.  It seems easier in the short term than dealing with guilt, our own bad behaviour, our own moral ineptitude or being honest....but we can't assuage our guilt with lies or denial or compartmentalisation on a long term basis.  Our conscience just doesn't work that way.  We get ill, stressed and conduct transference.

Employing conscience, isn't that what separates us from animals?

Why do we allow ourselves to be lied to when deep down we often know the truth?

Actions do speak louder than words and by ignoring them we are essentially betraying ourselves.  We all lie, so we instinctively know when it's being done to us.

By buying into it we are....

...ultimately staying in situations that are not right for us, doing things we hate and ultimately prolonging the pain and anxiety of living what could be considered to be a half life.  Why would we voluntarily choose to live a life less than what we deserve?  But a lot of us do... is it a martyr complex or just the enjoyment of moaning?  Or is it just easy?  Easy is easy.

Lying to others maybe easy enough for you but lying to yourself well that's a more bitter pill to swallow.

Sometimes it's hard to face the truth, it hurts and it's challenging, but in my experience people do exactly what they want when they want.  Their words may convey other messages for soothing effect but...

Deep down you know, it's instinctive you can feel it in your gut.

Employing instincts, isn't that what separates the animals from us?

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