24 September 2011

My access to the internet

I have no laptop, it broke, a while ago...hence my 3 month blog apathy I need to buy a new one as this no laptop scenario is totally effecting me more than I thought possible.

I always used to say "yeah I'm not addicted to anything, there's nothing you could take away from me that really wouldn't bother me", this is said in a squeaky Cartman style voice by the way.

So my not buying a new one was not just only a financial thing it was also me trying to prove to myself that I wasn't addicted to my laptop.  Stubborn creature that I am.  

How's that working out for you?  I hear you ask. Not to good.
The reasons I miss my laptop...
  1. It was my connection to my friends and family that live too far away for my liking.
  2. It was entertainment when the TV isn't available
  3. It enabled me to sit in my room and not socialise (on those less sociable days)
  4. It facilitated my access to my other addictions of social networking and online shopping (yeah OK I'm fallible and a liar :))
  5. It was pretty...hee hee
So now that I have proven to myself that I am not really that addicted I should buy a new one before I go nuts, shouldn't I?
I also could do with a visit to BA (Bacon eaters anonymous) if  I'm putting all my cards on the table.

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