I've always held this belief that somewhere out there is my home, a place that when I arrive there I'll think, yeah this is what I've been looking for all these years.
(I envy the blissful)
Somewhere that I'll feel content and at peace and could imagine spending many years there with no restlessness. People will argue that it is the people you love around you that give you that sense of comfort and 'home feeling' not the location and maybe they are right. I feel kind of inbetweeny at the moment, not feeling settled in anywhere. I appreciate that this a sense you get when you've been travelling and it will pass but this could be a good thing as it means I won't just settle into mediocrity and not continue to challenge myself.
...but do I still call Australia home?
I love Australia, it is a wonderful country, incredibly diverse in the beauty it contains. The people are unparalleled in their openness, loving and friendly nature but whenever I am there I just feel too far away from everything, suffocated and trapped. I feel so very unAustralian in most of my views and most importantly, a stranger in the country I grew up in.
Is London Calling.....
...fabulous, vibrant and interesting with its history and culture, the people are so trendy and cool (I realise using words like 'trendy' and 'cool' instantly makes me not :)). Yet I just can't seem to get settled here this time around(but then it could be that I don't really have a home yet).I do love London and I have spent most of adult years in this city and had some incredible times with truly amazing folk. The thing I love about London is that after all these years I still discover new and interesting things in this city, this keeps me entertained and interested.
So where for me to go next? I could go down the psychotherapy route and say stuff like "until you are content with yourself, you'll never be content with your environment and surroundings..." but bah humbug. We all know I love myself... maybe sometimes a little too much ;) Or even worse, the hippy route, "I'm a child of the universe unbeholden to any country or location" (cue: much finger down the throat induced gagging)...seriously hug a tree dude.
Should I get a hobby? (basket weaving is soothing I hear) Take up some sort of gym based activity? (exercising with skinny girls, yeah that will quash the anger) Keep my mind occupied with social type butterfly things to quell this restlessness? (drink, feck, boys, arse)
However...I have been California Dreamin'
Would that be such a bad thing?
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